Monday, June 11, 2012

Modern schools with new technology

Every student use there own laptop to study

Activeboard can be used to teach lessons with pictures and videos and other activities

Internet and education

Internet is a globel system of inter connected computer networks.

Lets see that how internet can help education
  • Internet is full of information. Students could easily look for answers on their assignments and projects and researches on the internet.
  • There are sites that will help school and collage students with homework, revision and study.
  •  Some educational institutions try to make money by providing essays and assignments which students can download and pass off as their own.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


e Books

Students can download e books that suitable for their studies and entertainment.

here are some links to download eboks for free.


The computer system which is arranged connecting two or more computers is called a COMPUTER NETWORK.
With a computer network we can use resourcers commonly.

Advantages of a computer network-
  • We can transmit data and information very easily and fast.
  • Various steps are taken in a computer network to proect data and informaton,and account of this high security can be centrally managed.
  • email can be used to exchange information very easily.
  • Softwares can be centrally managed.

Disadvantages of a computer network-

  • Resorces can lose due the errors of the network system.
  • Outsiders can acsess the network and rob data and information.
  • Sometimes user cannot access the requierd resorces easily.
  • The efficiency can be reduced.
Network Topology

The way that computers connected physically into one another is called a topology.There are 4 main ways to connect computers.
they are,
  • Star topology
  • Ring topology
  • Bus topology
  • Tree yopology

Star topology

Bus topology

Ring topology

Tree topology

Science and kids

Kids will learn new things by doing experiments by them self .

Modern schools


                                 Imagine a school of the future, where students use laptops in a wireless building and teachers customize lessons according to each one's ability.
Schools in future